Does general dentistry include implants?

In most cases, general dentists can place the implant if everything seems OK and no additional treatments are required. If someone has enough jaw strength and healthy gums and the tooth hasn't been absent for long, a general dentist is likely to be up to the task.

Does general dentistry include implants?

In most cases, general dentists can place the implant if everything seems OK and no additional treatments are required. If someone has enough jaw strength and healthy gums and the tooth hasn't been absent for long, a general dentist is likely to be up to the task. Replacing missing teeth is important for overall dental health and dental implants are a popular option. General dentists and several specialists may be qualified to perform dental implant surgeries.

Your dentist will sit down with you to discuss various options and refer you to a specialist that is right for you and your particular situation. Full mouth restoration, or full mouth reconstruction, includes a variety of restorative treatments to completely transform your smile. A complete restoration includes the reconstruction of all the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Complete mouth restoration can include the use of bridges, crowns, implants, and also veneers.

Typical candidates for this treatment include those with missing teeth or serious damage from tooth decay, injury, grinding of teeth, acid erosion, or malocclusion. More general dentists are choosing to replace teeth with dental implants. A general dentist is someone who normally focuses on providing preventive care and managing basic restorations. As such, they have limited experience with oral surgery and are not the most experienced provider to visit this procedure.

General dentists often recommend dental implants when a patient has lost a tooth due to injury or periodontal disease. Of course, like any other dental procedure, dental implants aren't the best option for everyone. However, in general, most people can become good candidates for the procedure. If you have any underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, you should monitor them well before we start.

If you need other dental care, such as root canal treatment or a filling, it must be done before we can place the implants. If you have severe jaw loss, you may need a bone graft to get enough strong bone to accept implants. We will carefully evaluate your health and let you know what needs to happen before dental implant surgery.